Colin James Physics - Mathematics data.

Mathematics icon (fzmaths.jpg).

Last updated: 28th March 2014.

Greek alphabet.
Integrals - Algebraic functions.
Integrals - Hyperbolic functions.
Integrals - Trigonometrical functions.
Series and sequences.
Vector algebra (laws).

Series and sequences.

Contents of this page.
Contents icon (fzbooks.jpg).
Cosine series.
Exponential function, ex
Fibonacci sequence.
Geometric series.
Harmonic series.
Sine series.
Tangent series.
Triangular number series.

Cosine series.

The Cosine series is the convergent (the sum tends to a limit) infinite series:

Series icon (fzserco2.bmp).

Exponential function, ex

The Taylor series for the exponential function ex is:

Series icon (fzserex2.bmp).

Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence of integers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...

The numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are the sum of the previous two numbers and the sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
with seed values:
F0 = 0 and F1 = 1

Geometric series.

The Geometric series is the polynomial:

Series icon (fzserge2.bmp).

Harmonic series.

The Harmonic series is the divergent (the sum tends to infinity) infinite series with terms 1/n with n from 1 to infinity:

Series icon (fzserha2.bmp).

Sine series.

The Sine series is the convergent (the sum tends to a limit) infinite series:

Series icon (fzsersi2.bmp).

Tangent series.

The Tangent series is the infinite series:

Series icon (fzserta2.bmp).

Triangular number series.

The Triangular number series is the finite series:

Series icon (fzsertr1.bmp).

End of page.