Colin James Physics - Mathematics data.

Mathematics icon (fzmaths.jpg).

Last updated: 25th June 2013.

Greek alphabet.
Integrals - Algebraic functions.
Integrals - Hyperbolic functions.
Integrals - Trigonometrical functions.
Series and sequences.
Vector algebra (laws).


Contents of this page.
Contents icon (fzbooks.jpg).
Trigonometric identities.
Compound angle formulae.
Double angle formulae.
The sine rule.

Trigonometric identities.

cos2q + sin2q = 1

tanq = sinq/cosq
provided cosq ¹ 0

cos(-q) = cosq
sin(-q) = -sinq

sin(p + q) = -sinq
sin(p - q) = sinq

sin(p/2 + q) = cosq
sin(p/2 - q) = cosq

cos(p + q) = -cosq
cos(p - q) = -cosq

cos(p/2 + q) = -sinq
cos(p/2 - q) = sinq

Compound angle formulae.

sin(a + b) = sina cosb + cosa sinb
sin(a - b) = sina cosb - cosa sinb

cos(a + b) = cosa cosb - sina sinb
cos(a - b) = cosa cosb + sina sinb

tan(a + b) = (tana + tanb)/(1 - tana tanb)
provided a + b ¹ ((2n + 1)p)/2

tan(a - b) = (tana - tanb)/(1 + tana tanb)
provided a - b ¹ ((2n + 1)p)/2

Double angle formulae.

sin2a = 2sina cosa

cos2a = cos2a - sin2a
cos2a = 1 - 2sin2a
cos2a = 2cos2a - 1

tan2a = (2tana)/(1 - tan2a)

The sine rule.

Trigonometry icon (fztrig.jpg).

If a, b and c are the lengths of the sides in a triangle and A, B and C are the sizes of the angles respectively opposite these sides then:

a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC

End of page.