Colin James Physics - Logic puzzles.

Logic puzzles icon (fp7a.jpg).

Last updated: 25th June 2013.

Logic puzzles.

These are general logic puzzles - not Physics puzzles, but they should be challenging and fun (just like Physics).

If you know what you are looking for in a puzzle or have done a similar one before you may find an easier puzzle harder or a harder one straightforward. So it its worth scanning through the different categories.

When you click on a puzzle it will appear below (and the screen will move down to show the puzzle) with a solution further down the screen.

Easier puzzles.

Running puzzle.
Tennis puzzle.
Water puzzle.
Walking puzzle.

Harder puzzles.

Spending puzzle.
Cakes puzzle.
Ages puzzle.

Chess puzzles.

Chess puzzle icon (wchess5a.bmp).
Chess puzzle 1.
Chess puzzle 2.
Chess puzzle 3.
Chess puzzle 4.
Chess puzzle 5.

Chess puzzle 4.

White to play and mate in two moves.

Chess 4a puzzle icon (wchess4a.bmp).


Solution pointer icon.


Solution pointer icon.


Solution pointer icon.


Solution pointer icon.

Solution: Chess puzzle 4.

White move 1.

f5 (White Pawn advances from f4 to f5).
Chess 4b puzzle icon (wchess4b.bmp).
Black now has two possible moves:
Solution 1 (below): to move the Black King from g6 to f6 (Kf6); or
Solution 2 (below): to move the Black King from g6 to h6 (Kh6).

From White move 1 above.

Solution 1: Black move 1.

Kf6 (Black King moves from g6 to f6).
Chess 4c puzzle icon (wchess4c.bmp).

Solution 1: White move 2.

Bd4# (mate) (White Bishop moves from c5 to d4 and black is in checkmate).
Chess 4d puzzle icon (wchess4d.bmp).

Solution 2: Chess puzzle 4.

From White move 1 above.

Solution 2: Black move 1.

Kh6 (Black King moves from g6 to h6).
Chess 4e puzzle icon (wchess4e.bmp).

Solution 2: White move 2.

Bf8# (mate) (White Bishop moves from c5 to f8 and black is in checkmate).
Chess 4f puzzle icon (wchess4f.bmp).

End of page.